Better Prompting with Ontological Semantics

Providing AI with rich, detailed context enables more relevant and accurate responses by anchoring the AI's understanding in a well-defined conceptual framework.

Want to have your team (or just yourself) prompting more like a pro? Here’s a powerful secret: leverage the concept of ontological semantics to inject highly structured context in the early stages of a conversation with a language model.

What is Ontological Semantics, or OntoSem?

Ontological semantics combines structured knowledge representation (ontology) with the interpretation of language (semantics) to improve how AI systems understand and generate language.

This approach is not just theoretical; it's a practical tool that, when applied effectively, can significantly enhance the AI's ability to produce well-structured and thought-out responses.

To begin, I’ll share two quick definitions of ontology and semantics. Feel free to skip over if you just want to get to the good stuff!


  • Ontology: In information science and artificial intelligence, ontology represents a structured way to catalog knowledge within a specific domain. It's a formalized mapping of concepts, categories, and their interrelations, serving as the foundation for intelligent systems to comprehend and organize information.

  • Semantics: Semantics is the study of meaning in language, focusing on how language communicates meanings through words, phrases, and texts. In AI and computing, semantics revolves around machine interpretation of human language, aiming to grasp the intended meaning behind words and sentences.

Practical Application for Your Team

OntoSem prompting can greatly improve the quality of your AI outputs. The core way it does this is by including a robust and AI-friendly map of key knowledge points in the context window at the beginning of a chat.

  1. Injecting Context: Encourage your team to think of the context window not just as background information but as a strategic tool. By injecting context derived from ontological semantics, you provide AI with a rich, structured understanding of the topic at hand. This means including details on the relationships between concepts and clarifying ambiguities, which helps the AI generate responses that are more aligned with the intended meaning.

  2. Creating Structured Prompts: Guide your team to structure their prompts to reflect the underlying ontology of the subject matter (or use AI to help them structure their prompts more effectively!). This involves organizing questions or inputs in a way that mirrors the logical and hierarchical relationships between concepts. Such structured prompts help the AI to navigate the knowledge domain more effectively, leading to responses that are not only relevant but also demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject.

  3. Iterative Feedback Loop: Use responses from AI as feedback to refine the ontological framework and the way your team incorporates it into prompts. This iterative process can enhance the AI's performance over time, as both the users and the AI system become more attuned to the nuances of the domain's ontology.

OntoSem In Practice

Let's consider a scenario where someone wants to explore the ontological semantics of "sustainable energy." This example will demonstrate how to structure a prompt that guides the AI to map the ontological semantics of the topic, including key concepts, relationships, and categories within the domain.

Example Prompt for AI:

Please map the ontological semantics of the topic 'sustainable energy.' Include the following in your response:

Key Concepts: Identify the main concepts associated with the domain.

Relationships: Describe the relationships between these concepts.

Hierarchies: Outline any hierarchical relationships within the domain.

Attributes: For each key concept, list important attributes.

Challenges and Solutions: Highlight common challenges associated with the domain and potential solutions or technologies addressing these challenges.”

By specifying what types of information to include (key concepts, relationships, hierarchies, attributes, challenges, and solutions), the prompt helps ensure that the AI's response is not only informative but also organized in a manner that reflects an understanding of the topic's underlying ontological structure.

This approach helps the AI understand and generate responses that reflect a deep, structured understanding of sustainable energy, making the information more accessible and actionable for decision-making or further research.


By understanding and applying ontological semantics, your team can transform how they interact with AI, moving beyond simple question-and-answer exchanges to deeper and more productive dialogues.

This approach enables the AI to provide responses that are not just technically accurate but also contextually rich and logically structured.

Encouraging your team to adopt ontological semantic exploration in their AI interactions will lead to a noticeable improvement in the quality and utility of AI-generated content, ultimately making your team's work with AI more effective and insightful.

Best of luck & happy prompting.

Shep Bryan

Shep Bryan is a revenue-driven technologist and a pioneering innovation leader. He coaches executives and organizations on AI acceleration and the future of work, and is focused on shaping the new paradigm of human-AI collaboration with agentic systems. Shep is an award-winning innovator and creative technologist who has led innovation consulting projects in AI, Metaverse, Web3 and more for billion / trillion dollar brands as well as Grammy-winning artists.

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