Innovation Velocity #2 – Building a $100,000 AI App for Mental Health in 15 Minutes

⚡️ Thanks for reading Edition 2 of Innovation Velocity, a forward-thinking digest for strategists/innovators curious about the future of innovation in the age of AI.

The Power of Problem-Solving

As a self-proclaimed problem-solver, I see opportunities for improvement everywhere I look. From clunky widgets to convoluted workflows, the world is full of opportunities for improvement, and the rapid advancements in AI technology are opening up new frontiers for innovation at an unprecedented pace.

In my experience, the key to unlocking innovation velocity lies in the power of rapid experimentation, iteration, and leveraging new technologies to solve problems in creative ways. And today, I want to share a story that perfectly illustrates this approach in action.

The AI Revolution: Empowering Personal Problem-Solving

In the business world, smart problem-solving can lead to billion-dollar valuations, as evidenced by the success of platforms like Miro, Airtable, and These companies have built their empires by identifying common pain points and delivering elegant, user-friendly solutions.

However, in our personal lives, we often let our own challenges go unaddressed, believing that we lack the technical expertise or resources to find a solution.

We might have a great idea for an app or tool that could make our lives easier, but the thought of coding, design, and deployment is enough to make us shelve the concept indefinitely.

Or maybe it’s just the idea that solving our own little problem doesn’t feel worth it, because the “addressable market” is just... us.

But what if I told you that the AI revolution is changing the game? With the proliferation of accessible AI tools, we now have the power to solve our own problems like never before.

Author's aside: Keep in mind as you read this that everything we're discussing here was built during a short phone call while Jack was on speakerphone with me as I walked around my local park in Austin, TX.

Jack Vaughan's Story: A Mental Health Coach's Vision

Jack Vaughan, a close friend and fellow ADHD-haver, is a talented mental health coach who works with young adults struggling with co-occurring disorders.

In his work, Jack helps his clients develop the self-efficacy and executive functioning skills they need to thrive independently.

As someone who has faced similar challenges in his own life, Jack is deeply committed to finding innovative ways to support his clients.

He understands firsthand the importance of developing a strong sense of self and the role that motivation and accountability play in achieving one's goals.

During a recent conversation, Jack and I explored the potential impact of AI assistants on the quality of life for neurodiverse individuals.

We discussed how tools like ChatGPT, Ollama, and open source AI have already begun to transform the way we manage our daily tasks and access information, and how this technology could be leveraged to provide even more personalized support.

That's when Jack shared an app idea he'd been mulling over—one that had previously seemed out of reach.

The App Idea: AI as a Mentor's Assistant

Jack's vision was to use AI as a 'mentor's assistant,' sending his mentees reminders and motivational messages as if they were coming from their own "future self."

By helping his clients visualize their success through personalized nudges, Jack hoped to nurture their self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their own ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task.

It plays a crucial role in how people approach goals, tasks, and challenges, and it’s a key component of many evidence-based treatment modalities such as...

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which helps individuals identify and change negative or distorted thought patterns and behaviors.

Motivational Interviewing, a counseling approach that helps people resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a form of psychotherapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior-change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility.

Unfortunately for Jack, when he first explored developing this app through traditional means, he was quoted upwards of six figures and a 3-4 month timeline.

Without the data from a test & learn case to back the concept, this kind of investment was simply out of the question.

But Jack refused to give up on his idea. He knew that there had to be a better way, a more accessible path to bringing his vision to life. That's when he turned to me for help.

Building the Solution, FUTURESELF, using the Galaxy Brain API and Apple Shortcuts

As someone who has been exploring the intersection of AI and productivity for a while now, I was excited by the challenge Jack presented. I knew that with the right tools and approach, we could turn his app idea into a reality in a fraction of the time and cost he had been quoted.

I showed Jack Goblin Tools, a simple and free toolkit aimed at helping neurodiverse individuals do things that neuro-typical people don't typically struggle with.

It's Goblin Tools!

As a user of this tool, I've found it helpful for tasks like quickly breaking down complex tasks into baby steps, rewriting text messages to be a little less spicy, or double-checking that my tone is correct before I email my manager.

Inspired by the simplicity and effectiveness of Goblin Tools, I decided to help Jack prototype his app using the Galaxy Brain API, (via my workflow orchestration platform), and Apple Shortcuts, because it's free, powerful, and I'm already pretty handy with it.

We talked through the key features that the solution would need:

  1. It would need a shared accountability system between mentor & mentee

  2. It would need to text an individual as their "future self"

  3. It would need to motivate them to keep up with the tasks on their to-do list

  4. It would need to help them visualize success in a friendly way

  5. And it would need a simple, automated delivery method that wouldn't require manual effort from Jack or his clients

Once we had our list, I sat with it for a little bit and started to figure out how we could address each of these with a lightweight solution.

Here's what we came up with.

Designing the AI Workflow and Automating the Process

The first step was to create a shared list that Jack and his mentees could use to manage tasks and goals. For this, we decided to use the built-in Reminders app on iOS, which allows for easy sharing and collaboration. This would serve as the foundation for the accountability system, allowing both parties to add, edit, and track progress on action items.

Next, I designed a custom Galaxy Brain playbook that could take the contents of a Reminders list, process it using AI, and generate a personalized motivational message. The key here was crafting the right prompt to guide the AI's output. After a few iterations, I landed on the following:

    You're a motivational assistant. You take my reminders list and you text me a motivational overview of my outstanding tasks. You adopt the role of my future self, and you never break character. Format your response as if it were a text message in a text thread with no additional prose or commentary. Start your message with 'hey bro, it's your future self here...'. {Inject Reminders List Here}

This prompt instructs the AI to take on the persona of the user's future self, providing encouragement and motivation while referencing the specific tasks and goals from the Reminders list.

With the Galaxy Brain playbook in place, I used Apple Shortcuts to automate the entire workflow:

  • Retrieve the mentee's tasks from the shared Reminders list

  • Pass the tasks to the Galaxy Brain playbook via API

  • Generate the "future self" message using AI

  • Send the message to the mentee as a text from their own number using the Messages app on iOS

Screenshot of a portion of the Shortcut

The beauty of this approach is that once the initial setup is complete, the entire process runs automatically. Jack's mentees will receive daily motivational messages without any additional effort from him or them. And all he has to do is send them the Shortcut to add to their iPhone and grant them access to a shared Reminders list.

Now all they need to do is update their Reminders together, and the system works perfectly!

The Results: Automated, Personalized Motivational Messages

With this AI-powered system in place, Jack's mentees now receive daily text messages that feel like they're coming from their own future selves. These messages provide personalized motivation, encouragement, and reminders to stay on track with their goals.

Here's an example of what one of these automated messages might look like:

Hey bro! This is your future self checking in. Just wanted to remind you about the outstanding tasks on your plate that are due soon. 📚📅 

Don't forget to study for that Math test on Tuesday. You got this! Remember to review the key concepts and tackle those practice problems. You've been putting in the work, and it will pay off. 💪🧠

Also, make sure to read one chapter of "Atomic Habits." It's an awesome book that will help you level up your habits and mindset. Take some time out, find a cozy spot, and immerse yourself in some inspirational reading. 📖✨ 

You have a meeting with Dr. K on Wednesday at 12pm. It's essential to touch base with them and discuss any concerns or questions you might have. Remember, seeking guidance is a sign of strength, so make the most out of this opportunity. 🤝🗓️

Lastly, on Friday, congratulate yourself on reaching thirty days of sobriety! That's an incredible achievement, and I'm proud of you. Take a moment to reflect on how far you've come and celebrate this milestone. Keep pushing forward, my friend. 🎉🚫🍻

I know you can handle these tasks like the champ you are. Stay focused, stay determined, and make yourself proud. I'm here rooting for you every step of the way. You got this! 💪❤️

The impact of these messages cannot be overstated.

For individuals struggling with executive dysfunction and low self-efficacy, receiving daily reminders and encouragement can be a game-changer.

It's like having a personal cheerleader in your pocket, one that knows your specific goals and challenges and is always there to provide support.

And the best part?

We built this entire solution in just 15 minutes, using no-code tools and AI.

Compare that to the six-figure quote and 3-6 month timeline Jack was originally faced with, and the power of AI problem-solving becomes clear.

I'm even using this system for my own benefit daily. I get a recap text each morning based on my FUTURESELF Reminders list to help keep me honest.

The Changing Landscape of Problem-Solving and Innovation Velocity

As we've seen with Jack's story, the way we approach problem-solving and innovation is fundamentally changing.

With AI tools like Galaxy Brain and Apple Shortcuts, we're seeing a democratization of innovation, where individuals from all backgrounds can leverage these technologies to solve problems and drive change.

Can you believe we were able to build Jack's app without writing a single line of code? And thanks to the shareability of these tools, his mentees can start benefiting from the solution almost immediately.

This democratization is a key driver of innovation velocity, as it enables more people to contribute ideas and solutions to the challenges we face.

And as AI continues to evolve and become more accessible, the possibilities for innovation are truly endless.

But the implications of this shift go far beyond just one use case. As AI continues to evolve and become more accessible, we have the opportunity to tackle problems that have long seemed unsolvable.

From personal productivity to global challenges like climate change and healthcare access, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach problem-solving.

Of course, this revolution is not without its challenges. As AI becomes more integrated into our lives and work, we'll need to grapple with questions of ethics, privacy, and human/AI collaboration. But I believe that the benefits of this technology far outweigh the risks, and that by proactively addressing these concerns, we can harness the power of AI for good.

Share Your Problem-Solving Ideas

I hope this story has inspired you to think differently about the challenges you face and the potential for AI-driven innovation in your own life and work.

If you've ever had an idea for an app or solution that seemed out of reach, I encourage you to explore how AI might help you bring it to life.

I'd love to hear about your own experiences with AI-driven problem-solving and innovation velocity. What challenges have you tackled? What breakthroughs have you achieved? How are you leveraging these technologies to drive change in your industry or community?

Feel free to reach out to me with your stories and ideas. Together, we can continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AI and unlock new frontiers of innovation.

And who knows? Maybe your story will be the next example of innovation velocity in action that we feature in this newsletter.

Until next time, keep accelerating!

-Shep Bryan

Shep Bryan

Shep Bryan is a revenue-driven technologist and a pioneering innovation leader. He coaches executives and organizations on AI acceleration and the future of work, and is focused on shaping the new paradigm of human-AI collaboration with agentic systems. Shep is an award-winning innovator and creative technologist who has led innovation consulting projects in AI, Metaverse, Web3 and more for billion / trillion dollar brands as well as Grammy-winning artists.

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