Rethinking Innovation: Build Your Own SaaS Tools with AI

Imagine needing a specialized tool for a niche task. Your first instinct might be to search for existing solutions, compare features, read reviews, and possibly invest in new software.

But what if there was a faster, more direct approach?

Recently, I found myself needing a tool to crop images into perfect circles with customizable borders. I didn't have Photoshop on my computer anymore, and using Canva seemed tedious.

Instead of embarking on a time-consuming search for the right solution or settling for something suboptimal, I took a different route: I created the tool I needed with AI assistance, in about 5 minutes.

This experience wasn't just about solving a specific problem—it represents a fundamental shift in how we can approach innovation and problem-solving in the age of AI.

The Traditional Approach vs. The AI-Assisted Method

Let's compare the two paths I could have taken:

The Traditional Approach:

  1. Search online for "XYZ Niche tools"

  2. Sift through numerous options, reading features and reviews

  3. Test several free tools or start free trials of paid options

  4. Settle for a tool that's close to what I need, but not perfect

  5. Learn how to use the new tool

  6. Possibly purchase a subscription or full version

Estimated time: 30 minutes to several hours

The AI-Assisted Method I Actually Used:

  1. Describe my exact needs to an AI assistant

  2. Receive an initial code implementation

  3. Refine the implementation through quick iterations

  4. Test the custom tool

  5. Make final adjustments

Actual time spent: About 5 minutes

The difference is stark, isn't it? Let's dive into how this AI-assisted method actually worked.

Breaking Down the Process

Step 1: Clearly Defining the Need

I started by telling the AI assistant what I needed. Here's what I said:

"Code me a simple web app where I can upload JPG images, crop out circles, and save the circle crops as PNG files."

I could have been much more descriptive in my first message but it didn't matter – Claude 3.5 Sonnet knew what I was looking for.

Generally speaking, a more clear and detailed description will the AI a better understanding of what you're looking for.

Step 2: Receiving the Initial Implementation

The AI quickly provided an initial HTML, CSS, and JavaScript implementation. This wasn't a fully polished solution, but a working prototype that included:

  • An image upload function

  • A circular cropping overlay

  • A download button

Step 3: Rapid Iteration and Refinement

With this base to work from, we entered a rapid back-and-forth process:

  1. I noted that the circular overlay wasn't adjustable. I asked: "Can we make the circular overlay resizable and draggable?"

  2. The AI updated the code, adding mouse and touch events for resizing and moving the overlay.

  3. I then requested: "Add a slider for border thickness and a color picker for border color."

  4. The AI integrated these controls, linking them to the circle overlay.

  5. Finally, I asked: "Can we add a 'Crop' button that creates the final circular image with the specified border?"

  6. The AI added this functionality, including code to generate and display the cropped image.

Step 4: Testing and Final Adjustments

I implemented the code in a basic HTML file and tested it in my browser. I noticed the mobile experience wasn't smooth, so I asked the AI for touch event optimizations. After this final adjustment, the tool worked perfectly on both my desktop and mobile devices.

In the end, I uploaded my cropper tool to my Github for easy access wherever I am.

Key Takeaways from This Experience

  1. Immediacy: The entire process, from identifying the need to having a working custom tool, took about 5 minutes.

  2. Precision: The resulting tool did exactly what I needed, without unnecessary features.

  3. Flexibility: Each iteration was quick, allowing for rapid adjustments and additions.

  4. Accessibility: I didn't write a single line of code myself. The AI translated my natural language descriptions into functional code.

  5. Resource Efficiency: I didn't need to purchase or subscribe to any new software.

How You Can Apply This Approach

Now, you might be thinking, "This sounds great, but I'm not a programmer." The beauty of this method is that you don't need to be. Here's how you can start applying this approach today:

  1. Clearly Define Your Needs: When you next encounter a task that makes you think, "I wish I had a tool for this," take a moment to clearly describe what that ideal tool would do. Be as specific as possible.

  2. Engage with AI: Use an AI assistant capable of generating code (like Claude 3.5, GPT-4 or similar advanced models). Describe your needed tool in detail.

  3. Iterate Quickly: Don't expect perfection immediately. Be prepared to go back and forth with the AI, refining and adjusting the tool.

  4. Test and Adjust: Implement the code provided (you might need to set up a simple HTML file). Test it out, and if something's not quite right, ask the AI for adjustments. If you're using Claude 3.5, you can preview your code directly in the chat.

  5. Learn as You Go: While you don't need to understand all the code, pay attention to the process. You'll likely pick up useful concepts over time.

Addressing Common Concerns

You might have some reservations about this approach. Let's address a few common concerns:

  1. "Is this reliable?" Always test AI-generated code thoroughly before using it for critical tasks. For important projects, consider having a human expert review the code.

  2. "What about security?" Be cautious with sensitive data. AI-generated tools are best for personal use or internal tools where security isn't critical.

  3. "Won't this replace developers?" Not likely. This approach is great for simple, specific tools. Complex software still requires skilled developers.

  4. "What if I need to change the tool later?" One advantage of this method is easy modification. You can always go back to the AI to request changes or additions.

Conclusion: A New Mindset for Problem-Solving

This is bigger than just creating a circle cropper. It highlights the new way of thinking about problems and solutions.

Instead of asking, "What existing tool can I use?" I now ask, "What exact solution do I need, and how can AI help me create it?"

This shift in mindset opens up new possibilities for innovation and efficiency. It empowers you to create precisely what you need, when you need it, without being limited by existing tools or your own coding skills.

The next time you find yourself wishing for a specific tool or function, remember this approach. You might be surprised at how quickly you can bring your ideal solution to life.

Are you ready to reframe how you approach problems and become a real-time innovator? The power to create custom solutions is now at your fingertips. All it takes is a clear vision and the willingness to engage with AI in a new way.

Your next innovative solution might be just a conversation away!

Thanks for reading!

Shep Bryan

Shep Bryan is a revenue-driven technologist and a pioneering innovation leader. He coaches executives and organizations on AI acceleration and the future of work, and is focused on shaping the new paradigm of human-AI collaboration with agentic systems. Shep is an award-winning innovator and creative technologist who has led innovation consulting projects in AI, Metaverse, Web3 and more for billion / trillion dollar brands as well as Grammy-winning artists.

Judging the AITX Hackathon in Austin, Texas!


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