[OSUI] AI Workflow Examples: 6 Steps of Strategy Consulting


Hey friend, Shep here.

Today I’m sharing an interesting way that you can use OSUI, my “Bootleg Apple Intelligence” tool, for your own cases.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how this open source Ollama + Apple Shortcuts system can be used to build a synthetic workflow generation pipeline.

I’ve written about Apps for AI Automation before, including an amazing tutorial on building your own strategy automation tool for free on AWS.

But I haven’t gone into much detail on practical OSUI usage.

Let’s jump into it.

Maximum Impact, Minimal UI

First things first… the current version of Ollama Shortcuts UI is the epitome of my rat rod AI prototyping methodology.

It’s powerful and modular, but it’s clunky and prioritizes pure functionality.

OSUI was intended to run in the browser, making it easy for anyone to boot up a single Python file and access the tool.

Not long ago, I also gave it a GUI for desktop so I could do some different experiments. (I have not published this to Github yet but will do so soon.)

The experiment I’m highlighting here uses that GUI for synthetic data generation.

Synthetic Workflows, Synthetic Completions

Here’s how this system works.

  1. It takes pre-existing workflows I’ve built and added to my OSUI workflow library

  2. It generates answers/context for all of the problem statement components associated with that workflow

  3. It runs the workflow with that pre-filled synthetic data.

  4. It saves a JSON structured output as a TXT file.

This stripped down testing ground for AI workflow effectiveness has been something I wanted to build for a while.

I’d like to ultimately test the hypothesis that using these outputs to fine-tune a model for optimized workflow design will create a more powerful system for autonomous workflow creation.

After the pretty pictures I’ve also shared an example output that was generated by OSUI.

The workflow was designed by Claude using my OSUI Workflow Design prompt, with the data pre-filled and workflow executed by Mistral Nemo 12B – a powerful little model created by Mistral in collaboration with Nvidia.

Here’s the step-by-step.

Pic 1

First, you select your workflow from the library of existing workflows.

These workflows are ones I’ve created and added to my own local SQLite database – they are not published to the Github repo.

If you’d like to build out your own set of workflows, simply use the workflow generation prompt in the repo with your own context to have Claude 3.5 Sonnet make you bespoke workflows.

Pic 2

Once a workflow is selected, you have the option to fill it in yourself [Run Workflow] with your own real-world context.

Alternately, you can [Auto-Run with Ollama]. This will fill all the fields for you, generating a synthetic problem space for the workflow to address.

Pic 3

When you click [Auto-Run with Ollama], you’ll see a batch of text appear in the terminal/CLI if you have it open.

It’s the prompt that is fed into the chosen model, Mistral Nemo 12B.

It should read the title of the workflow, the description, and it should also provide the merge fields that are available to fill.

Essentially you’re giving the language model a blank brief, telling it “here’s the process we’re doing, create a new brief for it”, and then it will generate content for each field.

To introduce more variation into this prompt, you could inject randomized elements into the prompt such as industry types, specific challenges, specific constraints, etc.

In doing so you can mitigate a smaller model’s tendency to homogenize outputs at scale around a small set of probabilistically prevalent options.

Pic 4

Next, here is the output of that step.

You’ll see that the output of the LLM is directly filled into GUI window.

It will immediately start running the workflow once these are filled.

There should probably be an opportunity to amend this prior to running the workflow but for now the proof of concept is good enough.

Pic 5

In my terminal, I can see that each step is running. When Ollama has completed each step it will output the entirety of the response for me.

I do not have streaming enabled because I don’t need to read the response token by token. I just want to see the final output.

Pic 6 

Once it runs all 6 steps in this particular workflow, it asks me to save the output.

Pic 7

Lastly, I can review the JSON-structured outputs here in a TXT file.

If I were going to develop a fine-tuning dataset from this material, I would want to improve the output pipeline.

For now, it’s fine for my experiment.

And there you have it.


With OSUI, you have a lightweight and free tool for:

  1. Designing advanced multi-step workflows with AI

  2. Easily importing AI-designed workflows into the OSUI engine

  3. Running workflows with your own context

  4. Automatically running workflows with synthetic context

I see a lot of ways to build out from here and build a unique pipeline for workflow development and optimization.

But for now, I’ll wrap up by showing you an output from the strategy consultant workflow.

Keep in mind, this isn’t being generated by a massive foundational model like GPT 4o or Claude Sonnet 3.5.

You could certainly hook it up to run via cloud API, but it’s intended to run locally via Ollama and thus the models I have at my disposal are much smaller.

Mistral Nemo 12B is pretty much the top end of what I can run with 16GB VRAM on my Macbook M2 Pro.

The synthetic pre-filled data AND the outputs would both be improved dramatically with a smarter model powering the engine.

That being said, this is still pretty impressive.

All of this technology is FREE.

Content Disclaimer: The following workflow was designed and executed by AI using OSUI and synthetic data. AI-generated outputs may be inaccurate. Always check the validity of generated content.

Learn why I openly disclose AI co-creation

Comprehensive Strategy Consultant Analysis Framework


Project Inputs

  • workflow_name: "Comprehensive Strategy Consultant Analysis Framework"

  • user_input: "Increase market share by at least 15% within the next fiscal year."

  • industry: "Consumer Electronics"

  • strategic_challenge: "Facing intense competition from new players and established rivals in the smart home device segment. Our products are perceived as too expensive compared to competitors offering similar features."

  • timeframe: "6 months"

  • stakeholders: "CEO, CMO, CFO, Head of Product Development, Sales Director, Marketing Manager, Retail Partners"

  • resources: "Dedicated team of 5 consultants for 3 months full-time, access to company's sales and marketing data, budget of $100,000 for market research and analysis tools."

Step 1: Situation Analysis

Company Overview

The client is a mid-sized player in the Consumer Electronics industry, specializing in smart home devices. They have a loyal customer base and a reputation for quality products.

Strategic Challenge

  • Intense competition from new players and established rivals in the smart home device segment

  • Perceived high prices compared to competitors offering similar features

Current Situation Analysis (6 months timeframe)

Internal Factors:

  1. Competitive Position: The client ranks 3rd in market share among established brands.

  2. Product Portfolio: Strong portfolio of innovative, feature-rich smart home devices.

  3. Supply Chain: Efficient supply chain with minimal disruptions.

  4. Financials: Moderate financial resources ( Revenue: $250M; Net Income: $20M).

External Factors:

  1. Market Trends

    • Growing demand for smart home devices

    • Increased competition from emerging players and established rivals

  2. Industry Analysis (PESTEL)

    • P: Politicians are promoting digital transformation and smart living, driving consumer adoption.

    • E: Economic uncertainty affects consumer spending, but smart home devices remain a priority.

    • S: Societal trends prioritize convenience, security, and energy efficiency.

    • T: Technological advancements enable more affordable and feature-rich products.

    • EL: Environmental concerns drive demand for eco-friendly products (e.g., solar-powered devices).

  3. Competitor Landscape (Porter's Five Forces)

    • High competition among established brands

    • Threat of new entrants from emerging players

    • Moderate bargaining power of suppliers and buyers

Key Findings

  1. Intense competition erodes market share.

  2. Perceived high prices hinder growth.

  3. Strong product portfolio and efficient supply chain are assets.

Recommendations (To be developed in subsequent steps)

  1. Market research: Understand consumer perceptions, preferences, and pain points regarding smart home devices.

  2. Competitor analysis: Identify opportunities to differentiate from competitors and address perceived price gaps.

  3. Product innovation: Develop more affordable, feature-rich products that cater to emerging trends (e.g., energy efficiency).

Next Steps

This situation analysis provides a solid foundation for developing a strategic plan to increase market share by at least 15% within the next fiscal year. Subsequent steps will involve:

  1. Conducting market research and competitor analysis

  2. Developing product innovation strategies

  3. Creating a detailed implementation plan with specific goals, timelines, and resource allocations.

This comprehensive analysis sets the stage for informed decision-making and strategic planning to overcome the client's current challenges and achieve their growth objectives.

Step 2: SWOT Analysis


  1. Strong Product Portfolio: The client has a loyal customer base and a reputation for quality products, with a strong portfolio of innovative, feature-rich smart home devices.

  2. Efficient Supply Chain: Their supply chain is efficient, minimizing disruptions and enabling them to respond quickly to changes in demand.

  3. Moderate Financial Resources: With Revenue: $250M; Net Income: $20M, the client has sufficient financial resources to invest in strategic initiatives.

  4. Established Brand: As a mid-sized player ranking 3rd in market share among established brands, they have a solid foundation for growth.


  1. Perceived High Prices: Consumers perceive their products as too expensive compared to competitors offering similar features, hindering growth and market share.

  2. Limited Market Share Growth: Despite being a strong player, the client has limited market share growth due to intense competition from new players and established rivals.

  3. Dependence on Established Business Model: Their success is largely based on an existing business model, which may not be adaptable to emerging trends or changing consumer preferences.

  4. Insufficient Differentiation: The client's products are perceived as similar to those of competitors, making it challenging to differentiate themselves in a crowded market.


  1. Growing Demand for Smart Home Devices: There is growing demand for smart home devices, driven by societal trends prioritizing convenience, security, and energy efficiency.

  2. Increased Competition from Emerging Players: While competition increases, there are opportunities for the client to innovate, differentiate, and capitalize on emerging trends.

  3. Technological Advancements: Technological advancements enable more affordable and feature-rich products, which could be leveraged by the client to offer more competitive pricing or innovative features.

  4. Eco-Friendly Products: The growing importance of environmental concerns creates opportunities for the client to develop eco-friendly products that cater to this emerging trend.


  1. Intense Competition from Established Rivals and New Entrants: The client faces stiff competition from established brands, new players, and emerging competitors.

  2. Economic Uncertainty: Economic uncertainty affects consumer spending, potentially impacting demand for smart home devices.

  3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers and Buyers: Moderate bargaining power of suppliers and buyers could lead to increased costs or reduced pricing flexibility.

  4. Technological Disruptions: The client risks being disrupted by new technologies that offer more efficient, cost-effective, or innovative solutions.

This SWOT analysis is specific, actionable, and directly relevant to the strategic challenge facing the client. It sets the stage for informed decision-making and strategic planning to overcome their current challenges and achieve growth objectives within the next fiscal year.

Step 3: Stakeholder Analysis

The following stakeholders are identified as key influencers in the client's strategic challenge:

  1. CEO: The CEO has significant influence over the company's overall direction and resource allocation. Their interests include maintaining market share, driving revenue growth, and ensuring profitability.

  2. CMO (Chief Marketing Officer): The CMO is responsible for developing marketing strategies to reach new customers and retain existing ones. Their interests include creating effective branding, pricing, and promotional campaigns that appeal to the target audience.

  3. CFO (Chief Financial Officer): The CFO oversees financial planning, budgeting, and resource allocation. Their interests include managing costs, optimizing supply chain efficiency, and maintaining moderate financial resources for strategic initiatives.

  4. Head of Product Development: As a key decision-maker in product development, their interests include creating innovative products that meet customer needs, leveraging emerging technologies to stay competitive, and ensuring product quality and reliability.

  5. Sales Director: The Sales Director is responsible for driving revenue growth through effective sales strategies and partnerships. Their interests include increasing market share, building strong relationships with retailers and distributors, and developing sales teams that can capitalize on emerging trends.

  6. Marketing Manager: The Marketing Manager is responsible for executing marketing campaigns to reach new customers and retain existing ones. Their interests include creating engaging content, leveraging social media and digital channels to promote products, and monitoring customer feedback.

  7. Retail Partners: As key partners in the client's business, their interests include maintaining a strong supply chain, ensuring timely deliveries, and receiving competitive pricing for products.

Stakeholder Influence Matrix:

The following matrix assesses each stakeholder group's influence and interest in the strategic challenge:

StakeholderInfluence (1-5)Interest (1-5)CEO45CMO34CFO23Head of Product Development44Sales Director33Marketing Manager22Retail Partners11

Assessment and Recommendations:

Based on the SWOT analysis, each stakeholder group's influence and interest in the strategic challenge, I've assessed their potential impact:

  • CEO: High influence and high interest. The CEO should be actively involved in developing strategies to address perceived high prices, limited market share growth, and dependence on an established business model.

  • CMO: Moderate influence and moderate interest. The CMO should focus on developing marketing campaigns that differentiate the client's products from competitors and create a strong brand image.

  • CFO: Low influence but high interest. The CFO should work closely with other stakeholders to ensure financial resources are allocated effectively for strategic initiatives, such as product innovation or market expansion.

  • Head of Product Development: High influence and moderate interest. This stakeholder should focus on developing innovative products that meet customer needs and can be priced competitively.

  • Sales Director: Moderate influence and moderate interest. The Sales Director should work with the Head of Product Development to ensure sales strategies align with emerging trends and product development plans.

  • Marketing Manager: Low influence but low interest. This stakeholder should focus on executing marketing campaigns that support overall brand image and customer engagement.

  • Retail Partners: Low influence and low interest. Retail partners should be informed about changes in the client's business strategy, such as new product launches or pricing adjustments.

Insights for Effective Stakeholder Management:

To manage these stakeholders effectively throughout the strategic process:

  1. Engage the CEO actively to ensure buy-in on key strategic decisions.

  2. Collaborate with the CMO and Sales Director to develop marketing campaigns that differentiate products from competitors.

  3. Work closely with the CFO to allocate financial resources for strategic initiatives, such as product innovation or market expansion.

  4. Ensure the Head of Product Development is involved in sales strategies to align product development plans with emerging trends.

  5. Communicate changes in business strategy to Retail Partners and involve them in discussions where relevant.

By considering these stakeholders' interests and influence, the client can develop targeted strategies that address their needs and drive growth objectives within the next fiscal year.

Step 4: Strategic Options Generation

Option 1:

  • Description: "Pricing Optimization with Innovation"

    • Key actions:

      • Conduct market research (using the provided budget) to identify price elasticity points in the smart home device segment.

      • Collaborate with the Head of Product Development to create innovative products that meet customer needs and can be priced competitively.

      • Develop a pricing strategy that balances revenue growth with cost optimization, using data analysis tools.

    • Potential outcomes:

      • Increased market share due to competitive pricing.

      • Enhanced product offerings through innovation.

    • Major risks: cannibalizing existing sales or losing market share if prices are cut too aggressively; mitigating strategies include monitoring customer feedback and adjusting pricing in response.

  • Stakeholder involvement: CEO, CMO, Head of Product Development, CFO

  • Timeline: Months 1-3

Option 2:

  • Description: "Differentiation through Branding and Marketing"

    • Key actions:

      • Develop a branding strategy that differentiates the client's products from competitors.

      • Collaborate with the CMO to create marketing campaigns that promote brand image, innovative features, and competitive pricing.

      • Utilize social media and digital channels to engage customers and collect feedback.

    • Potential outcomes:

      • Strengthened brand image through differentiation.

      • Increased customer engagement and loyalty.

    • Major risks: failing to differentiate the product or losing market share; mitigating strategies include monitoring competitor responses and adjusting marketing campaigns in response.

  • Stakeholder involvement: CMO, Marketing Manager

  • Timeline: Months 2-4

Option 3:

  • Description: "Partnerships and Supply Chain Optimization"

    • Key actions:

      • Develop strategic partnerships with retail partners to ensure a strong supply chain and competitive pricing.

      • Collaborate with the Head of Product Development to optimize product design for efficient manufacturing and distribution.

      • Utilize data analysis tools to identify areas for cost savings in the supply chain.

    • Potential outcomes:

      • Strengthened relationships with retail partners.

      • Optimized supply chain efficiency through reduced costs.

    • Major risks: failing to secure strategic partnerships or losing market share due to inefficient supply chains; mitigating strategies include monitoring competitor responses and adjusting supply chain strategies in response.

  • Stakeholder involvement: CFO, Head of Product Development, Retail Partners

  • Timeline: Months 1-3

Option 4:

  • Description: "Emerging Trends and Sales Strategy Alignment"

    • Key actions:

      • Identify emerging trends in the smart home device segment through market research.

      • Collaborate with the Head of Product Development to ensure product development plans align with emerging trends.

      • Develop sales strategies that capitalize on these trends, working closely with the Sales Director and CMO.

    • Potential outcomes:

      • Increased market share due to alignment with emerging trends.

      • Enhanced product offerings through innovation.

    • Major risks: failing to identify or capitalize on emerging trends; mitigating strategies include monitoring customer feedback and adjusting sales strategies in response.

  • Stakeholder involvement: Head of Product Development, Sales Director, CMO

  • Timeline: Months 2-4

Option 5:

  • Description: "Financial Resource Allocation for Strategic Initiatives"

    • Key actions:

      • Collaborate with the CFO to allocate financial resources effectively for strategic initiatives.

      • Identify areas where cost savings can be achieved through process optimization or technological advancements.

      • Utilize data analysis tools to track resource allocation and ensure alignment with business objectives.

    • Potential outcomes:

      • Optimized financial resource allocation for strategic initiatives.

      • Increased revenue growth through effective allocation of resources.

    • Major risks: failing to allocate resources effectively or losing market share due to inefficient use of funds; mitigating strategies include monitoring competitor responses and adjusting resource allocation in response.

  • Stakeholder involvement: CFO, CEO

  • Timeline: Months 1-3

Step 5: Strategic Option Evaluation

Here is the evaluation matrix:

Option 1: Pricing Optimization with Innovation

CriteriaRating (1-5)JustificationFeasibility4Access to sales and marketing data, market research budget, and dedicated team available.Potential impact5Could significantly increase market share due to competitive pricing and innovative products.Alignment with strengths and opportunities3Strengths in product development and marketing; could leverage these to create a competitive edge.Stakeholder acceptance4CEO, CMO, Head of Product Development, CFO likely to support this option.Risk level3Some risk involved in pricing optimization, but mitigating strategies (monitoring customer feedback) can be implemented.

Option 2: Differentiation through Branding and Marketing

CriteriaRating (1-5)JustificationFeasibility4Access to marketing data and budget available; CMO likely to support this option.Potential impact4Could strengthen brand image and increase customer engagement, but may not directly address price competition.Alignment with strengths and opportunities2Limited alignment with company's product development strengths.Stakeholder acceptance5High stakeholder acceptance among CMO, Marketing Manager, and other stakeholders involved.Risk level4Some risk in failing to differentiate the product or losing market share; mitigating strategies (monitoring competitor responses) can be implemented.

Option 3: Partnerships and Supply Chain Optimization

CriteriaRating (1-5)JustificationFeasibility4Access to retail partners, Head of Product Development, and CFO likely to support this option.Potential impact4Could strengthen relationships with retail partners and optimize supply chain efficiency.Alignment with strengths and opportunities3Strengths in product development and supply chain management; could leverage these to create a competitive edge.Stakeholder acceptance4High stakeholder acceptance among CFO, Head of Product Development, and Retail Partners involved.Risk level3Some risk involved in failing to secure strategic partnerships or optimizing supply chains efficiently; mitigating strategies (monitoring competitor responses) can be implemented.

Option 4: Emerging Trends and Sales Strategy Alignment

CriteriaRating (1-5)JustificationFeasibility3Some uncertainty in identifying emerging trends, but market resear...Potential impact4Could increase market share due to alignment with emerging trends; some risk involved.Alignment with strengths and opportunities2Limited alignment with company's product development strengths.Stakeholder acceptance3Moderate stakeholder acceptance among Head of Product Development, Sales Director, CMO involved.Risk level4Some risk in failing to identify or capitalize on emerging trends; mitigating strategies (monitoring customer feedback) can be implemented.

Option 5: Financial Resource Allocation for Strategic Initiatives

CriteriaRating (1-5)JustificationFeasibility4Access to CFO and CEO likely to support this option; some resource allocation challenges possible.Potential impact3Could optimize financial resource allocation, but may not directly address price competition or emerging trends.Alignment with strengths and opportunities2Limited alignment with company's product development strengths.Stakeholder acceptance5High stakeholder acceptance among CFO and CEO involved.Risk level4Some risk in failing to allocate resources effectively; mitigating strategies (monitoring competitor responses) can be implemented.

Based on the evaluation matrix, Option 1: Pricing Optimization with Innovation appears to have the highest potential impact and feasibility. It also aligns well with the company's strengths in product development and marketing. While there is some risk involved, the mitigating strategies can be implemented.

The next best option is Option 2: Differentiation through Branding and Marketing, which has a high stakeholder acceptance and moderate potential impact. However, it may not directly address price competition or emerging trends.

Option 3: Partnerships and Supply Chain Optimization, Option 4: Emerging Trends and Sales Strategy Alignment, and Option 5: Financial Resource Allocation for Strategic Initiatives have varying levels of feasibility, potential impact, and stakeholder acceptance. While they are viable options, they may require more consideration and analysis before implementation.

Ultimately, the decision among these options should be made after careful consideration of the company's specific strengths, opportunities, and challenges, as well as the risks and mitigating strategies associated with each option.

Step 6: Implementation Roadmap

Based on the evaluation matrix and the original user input, here is a high-level implementation roadmap for Option 1: Pricing Optimization with Innovation, which appears to have the highest potential impact and feasibility.

Implementation Roadmap (6 months)

Month 1-2: Research and Planning

  • Critical Actions:

    • Conduct market research to understand customer preferences, competitor pricing strategies, and emerging trends.

    • Analyze sales data to identify pricing opportunities and product features that drive revenue growth.

    • Develop a pricing optimization framework that takes into account the company's strengths in product development and marketing.

  • Resource Allocation: Dedicated team of 5 consultants for 3 months full-time, market research budget ($50,000), and access to sales and marketing data.

  • Key Milestones:

    • Completion of market research report

    • Development of pricing optimization framework

Month 2-3: Innovation and Product Development

  • Critical Actions:

    • Develop innovative products that meet customer needs and compete with emerging trends.

    • Collaborate with product development teams to create a pipeline of new products that align with the pricing optimization strategy.

    • Conduct usability testing to ensure that new products meet customer expectations.

  • Resource Allocation: Dedicated team of 5 consultants for 3 months full-time, access to product development resources.

  • Key Milestones:

    • Completion of innovative product development

    • Conducted usability testing

Month 3-4: Pricing Strategy and Roll-out

  • Critical Actions:

    • Develop a pricing strategy that aligns with the company's strengths in marketing and product development.

    • Collaborate with marketing teams to develop a go-to-market plan for new products.

    • Launch new products with optimized pricing.

  • Resource Allocation: Dedicated team of 5 consultants for 3 months full-time, access to marketing resources.

  • Key Milestones:

    • Completion of pricing strategy

    • Successful launch of new products

Month 4-6: Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Critical Actions:

    • Monitor customer feedback and sales data to assess the effectiveness of the pricing optimization strategy.

    • Conduct regular review meetings with stakeholders to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.

    • Gather insights from competitors and emerging trends to inform future product development.

  • Resource Allocation: Dedicated team of 5 consultants for 3 months full-time, access to sales and marketing data.

  • Key Milestones:

    • Completion of monitoring and evaluation phase

    • Identification of opportunities for further growth and optimization

Resource Recommendations:

  • Dedicated team of 5 consultants for 3 months full-time

  • Access to company's sales and marketing data

  • Market research budget ($50,000)

  • Innovation and product development resources

  • Marketing resources

Potential Barriers to Implementation:

  • Risk in failing to optimize pricing effectively, leading to decreased revenue or market share.

  • Difficulty in balancing pricing with customer needs and emerging trends.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Conduct regular review meetings with stakeholders to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.

  • Gather insights from competitors and emerging trends to inform future product development.

  • Monitor customer feedback and sales data to assess the effectiveness of the pricing optimization strategy.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Revenue growth

  • Market share increase

  • Customer satisfaction ratings

  • Competitor market analysis

Ultimately, the successful implementation of Option 1: Pricing Optimization with Innovation requires careful consideration of the company's specific strengths, opportunities, and challenges, as well as the risks and mitigating strategies associated with this option.

Shep Bryan

Shep Bryan is a revenue-driven technologist and a pioneering innovation leader. He coaches executives and organizations on AI acceleration and the future of work, and is focused on shaping the new paradigm of human-AI collaboration with agentic systems. Shep is an award-winning innovator and creative technologist who has led innovation consulting projects in AI, Metaverse, Web3 and more for billion / trillion dollar brands as well as Grammy-winning artists.


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